August 27, 2024 (2mo ago)

How to Juggle Blogging and Holidays

Learn effective strategies to maintain your blogging schedule during the holiday season without sacrificing joy or productivity.

Martin Adams
Martin Adams
Strategy/Vision, OneTask
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How can you successfully juggle blogging and enjoy your holidays? The answer is through careful planning and prioritization. By setting clear boundaries and using smart tools, you can keep your blog active while also savoring the festive season.

When the holiday season approaches, it brings with it a wave of joy, celebrations, and festivities. However, for those of us dedicated to blogging, it can also lead to stress about keeping up with our writing schedule. Balancing the two can feel like a tightrope walk. So how can we maintain our blogging commitments while still relishing in holiday cheer?

1. Plan Ahead: The Key to Success

One of the most effective strategies for juggling blogging during the holidays is to plan your content in advance. Consider the following steps:

  • Create a Content Calendar: Outline your topics, and deadlines, and identify when you will write and publish each piece.
  • Batch Writing: Take a day or two to write multiple blog posts at once. This method allows you to produce content efficiently, giving you time to enjoy the holidays.
  • Schedule Posts: Use scheduling features on your blogging platform. You can write and set posts to publish while you're off enjoying family gatherings.

2. Utilize AI to Take a Load Off

Incorporating tools like OneTask can significantly ease the burden. With features designed for personal task management, OneTask allows you:

  • Automate Reminders: Set reminders to work on your blog in manageable time blocks, helping you stay on track.
  • Prioritize Tasks: Focus on what's essential by intelligently categorizing your tasks ensuring your blogging doesn't fall through the cracks.
  • Integration with Google Services: Use it alongside your calendar to balance family events and blogging sessions seamlessly.

3. Limit Your Availability During Holidays

Sometimes, the best way to balance is by clearly defining when you’ll work.

  • Set Boundaries: When savoring leisure time, turn off email notifications or avoid logging into your blogging platform.
  • Communicate with Readers: Inform your audience of your schedule, letting them know when they can expect new content. This will also set their expectations during the holiday period.

4. Embrace Shorter, Snackable Content

Not every post needs to be long-form. During busy holiday seasons, consider shifting your focus on creating shorter, impactful blog posts. Here’s how:

  • Quick Tips or Lists: Write seasonal tips or quick guides that require less time to research and write.
  • Infographics: Create visually engaging content that provides value while reducing the need for extensive writing.

5. Take Breaks—They’re Essential!

Finally, don’t forget the importance of rest. Taking breaks to relax and recharge is crucial for your creativity and productivity.

  • Practice Mindfulness: Allocate time for relaxation and practice mindfulness, helping rejuvenate your mind for better writing.
  • Engage With Family: Spend quality time with friends and family, giving your mind a break from blogging pressures.


When embraced wisely, the holiday season can be a time for both productivity and enjoyment. By planning your calendar and leveraging tools like OneTask, the challenge of juggling blogging with holiday festivities can transform into a rewarding experience.

Remember, the goal is to strike a balance where both your passion for blogging and the joy of the holidays coexist. Planning, prioritizing, and utilizing efficient tools will empower you to enjoy every moment of the season without sacrificing your commitment to your audience.

For more strategies on managing productivity during busy seasons, check out our resources on ADHD-friendly productivity tools that can help make your blog work lighter and more enjoyable!

Happy blogging, and enjoy the festivities!

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